Black jellies with red glitter. Lovely aren't they? Probably the best known is China Glaze Lubu Heels. If you buy it off a wholesale site online, pretty darn reasonable too. A lot of people I know love it.
Don't ever buy it for $$$$ if it gets discontinued! You'll have many places to find the same exact color. And I mean EXACT same polish. Not similar, not a good match, not a darn fine stand-in, I mean the SAME polish.
Icing Signature Runway, Piggy Polish Midnight Fireflies, Petites Black Rouge, and Precision Rebel Red - all exactly the same as China Glaze Lubu Heels. All black jelly with exactly the same size and shade red glitter. So buy the cheapest, honey!!
Index: Piggy Polish Midnight Fireflies
Middle: China Glaze Lubu Heels
Ring: Icing Signature Runway
Pinky: Petites Black Rouge
Precision Rebel Red not pictured, but guarantee you it is the same as above polishes.
Tyler Durden's opinion of black jellies with red glitter:
How's that working out for you, being clever.
Wow, thanks for this!